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Brazil once again demands a visa for tourists from the United States, Australia and Canada

The Brazilian government made official the resumption of the visa requirement for tourists from the United States, Australia and Canada. Decree 11,515 was published in the Official Gazette of the Union on May 3, 2023, and revokes the previous decision of the Jair Bolsonaro government. The new regulation enters into force on October 1, 2023.

As of October 1st, American, Canadian and Australian citizens will once again be forced to wear a tourist visa to enter Brazil. Since June 2019, they are exempt from this authorization by a decree of former President Jair Bolsonaro.

The decision was made after consultations by the Lula government with these countries about the possibility of issuing Brazilians for visas, in respect of the principle of reciprocity, a concept of International Law that establishes that the countries should be treated equally.

Brazil does not grant unilateral issuance of visit visas, affirmed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Itamaraty).”

For more information, contact our specialists via e-mail info@cartoriobrasileiroonline.com.

Source: https:/ /exame.com/brasil/brazil-returns-to-require-sights-for-tourists-two-united-states-australia-canada-and-japao/

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